Olive Oil as Liquid Gold

Raised on Olive Oil is based on the Mediterranean Diet and lifestyle.  Since first studied in the early 1940’s in Crete there have been over 6,500 scientific papers published on the healthy benefits of the Mediterranean Diet.   This diet and lifestyle have shown in studies to reduce the risk of heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, certain cancers (especially colon and breast cancer), depression, and in older adults increase mental and physical function.  The Mediterranean Diet embraces a diet high in healthy whole grain carbohydrates, high in vegetables and fruits, red wine in moderation, beans and nuts, moderate fish and chicken, minimal red meat and most importantly substituting bad fats with Olive Oil.  

Olive Oil is liquid gold to the Mediterranean Diet. Studies have shown that people whose diets included at least a daily half tablespoon of olive oil had a 14% lower risk for cardiovascular disease, and an 18% lower risk for coronary heart disease than people who consumed no olive oil.  Olive Oil contains 14% saturated fat versus butter with 63% saturated fat and coconut oil with a whopping 90% saturated fat.  Too much saturated fat in the diet raises bad cholesterol LDL which is linked to heart disease, stroke and cancer. Olive oil contains 11% polyunsaturated fat which is high in omega 3 and 6 and 73% monounsaturated fat called oleic acid which is linked with decreasing inflammation and chronic diseases.  Now don’t go drinking olive oil, but do substitute olive oil for bad saturated fats like butter, mayonnaise, margarine, coconut oil and palm oil.  

At Raised on Olive Oil we combine over 30 years of experience in nutrition, food science, food safety, food processing and culinary to illustrate great healthy recipes that define Mediterranean Cuisine.  We also fuse California fresh ideas with Mediterranean to create healthy, fresh Cali-Mediterranean. California is a leader in agriculture producing two-thirds the country’s fruits and nuts and over a third of the country’s vegetables. California cuisine embraces the use of fruits, vegetables and nuts in their diet to create healthy dishes.  The ability to ship ingredients all over the nation make it accessible for anyone to benefit from healthy Cali-Mediterranean inspired dishes.  

Please join us at Raised on Olive to be inspired to learn healthy Cali-Mediterranean recipes, learn about nutritional values and labeling, cooking tips, food safety and the latest news and research. Learn a healthy, satisfying, lifestyle to help you achieve the most out of life.  Gaining longevity is the key to life, but not only living longer, but healthier. 


Mediterranean Diet